Thursday, September 27, 2007

Just notes

ISorry Guys, I have been slacking on the blog entries. But just to let you know, I have had the intention to write on the blog it just never gets to the computer, so the next couple of entries will just be notes that I have taken after/ during class or during the reading.


  • How do you read a major text like this?
  • The bible is so far and foreign and ancient, but it has so much authority.
  • What was it like reading this?
    • It makes people question (as a Christian ) and or go back into depth
  • God justifies everything he does all the time/ or prepares us (aside from the historical inaccuracies )
    • The Flood
    • The War on Iraq
    • Hurricane Katrina
  • The church says what is right and wrong and now here we are questioning that
  • Religion/ faith is more need than want, You need faith
  • Some people in class said the same thing I think, I am ok with someone who believes in something, but I don't understand someone who doesn't believe in anything at all.
  • Someone said "The bible doesn't really have any context but the meaning is something we find"
  • "To read the bible is to look in the mirror"
  • The bible can justify everything that is going on right now. "It can be just as bad as good if you interpret it that way"… I am not sure if I agree with that.
  • Can you separate what God wanted and the societies that produced it?
    • For example, from a feminist point of view. Is the question of if God is really a man? Some can argue that God is a man because we have and always have lived in a male dominate society therefore having God be a man further perpetuates this males supremacy.

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